

What is an Emotional Affair?

Sexuality infidelity is pretty cut and dry; one partner steps outside the bounds of the relationship and engages in sexual activity with someone other than their spouse. An emotional affair can be defined as having emotional intimacy, under the guise of friendship, without consummation of a physical relationship. An “Affair of the Heart” is an emotionally charged relationship that makes it impossible for the person to be emotionally engaged with and available to their spouse.

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emotionally focused therapy

Emotionally Focused Therapy

Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) helps couples break negative patterns and reconnect with their partner. This method helps relationships return to its nurturing roots and healthy patterns. The goal is to move a relationship from a place of distress to a place of comfort and trust.

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healthy marriage

Eight Things To Do If You Want To Stay Married

The following are eight fundamentals of a solid relationship. It is by no means an exhaustive list, and it does not imply that the following are easy to do. However, if the following eight things are done more often than not by both partners, it’s a good foundation for a healthy marriage.

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